There are 675,000+ Millionaires created in

the US every year 

Welcome to 


There are 675,000+ millionaires created in the US every year.

If you are willing to trust the process, you will be next.

  • Get hands on mentorship with private zoom calls and clubhouse sessions.

  • Get access to our investor contacts, marketing vendors and the best technologies on the planet. 

  • After you sign up, you will have immediate access and can download business docs, spreadsheets, graphs, templates & much more

  • 9 modules full of trade secrets and detailed information.

  • Graduate, and get Guardian CEO digital certification and logo for your company.

  • After graduation, most will stay in the program for the ongoing mentorship, contacts, and module updates.

  • Cancel any time, Money back guarantee.

NEXT 50 sign ups get:

  • Only $49.99 per month after tuition fee

  • Be automatically entered into the Guardian CEO Power 300 contest with 50k in cash and services

Yona Shimonde


CEO, Global Core Marketing


"The Guardian CEO gave me a road map, resources, & the necessary contacts that have dramatically accelerated the growth of my business. 


It has taught me to focus on the things that are important & in return I have grown my business faster than I could have ever imagined!"

Bad News First

US Department of Labor says 

There are a lot of reasons businesses fail.

The number 1 reason is lack of guidance

  • 20% of all businesses fail in their first year

  • 45% fail their first 5 years

  • 65% fail in their first 10 years

  • 94% of startups will never reach 1 million in revenue

The Good News

 Harvard business review says 

Business Owners, CEO's, and Executives

 in formal mentoring programs

  • 84% said mentors had helped them avoid costly mistakes

  • 84% become proficient in their roles faster

  • 69% were making better decisions

  • 90% attributed faster company growth

Jon Flatt is an award winning entrepreneur & CEO who has built two large companies from the ground up. He is an expert at growing startups that may have limited resources and has a great understanding of the specific areas of focus that need to be executed at each stage of growth. From dollar one to multi - million dollar explosive growth, Jon has expertise at every level.


Jon has worked with brands such as:

Jon was humbled & honored to receive multiple prestigious awards for business & technology 

  • 2 INC 500 awards 
  • 2 Lumiere awards  
  • Austin Fast 50 
  • Top 50 most valuable brand in Silicon Valley 


Business Superstars 

Say About Jon

Red McCombs


Billionaire and Former Owner of

The Minnesota Vikings 


The School of Business at the University of Texas is "The McCombs School of business”


Jon Flatt is a true entrepreneur and pioneer in the fast growing world of digital advertising. His philosophies on innovation and business growth in the new economy have proven to be very successful.”

Bruce Knox


General Manager/Co-owner of Lamborghini Austin, Tx


Senior VP, Circuit of the Americas Formula 1


“I have witnessed first hand Jon`s unique ability to lead and build a company from the ground up. He has a proven track record to create technology, operations and company vision based on identifying early adopter trends in the marketplace

Scott Friesen 


CEO, Verdant Frontiers 


Built one of the largest Real Estate & Farming ventures in African Countries. His company has provided opportunities to disenfranchised Africans for over 10 years 


Jon has an uncanny ability to quickly understand very complex issues and come up with effective scalable solutions. His abilities as a problem solver are among the best I have ever experienced.”

NEXT 50 sign ups get:

  • Only $49.99 per month after tuition fee

  • Be automatically entered into the Guardian CEO Power 300 contest with 50k in cash and services

To learn more about Jon's journey click here

Before we get into the details of the program, let me share a bit about my journey.


I’m sharing this with you because I want you to understand that anybody can build a business and have financial freedom no matter your background. That is not my opinion; That is a fact. I am living proof. 


The God’s honest truth is, I was given every excuse to fail. I was adopted at a young age, grew up in a dysfunctional and abusive environment. I did not go to college and left my home at 17 years old and moved to Los Angeles from Louisiana to pursue a career in the music business.  


After leaving the music business at 32 years old, I worked for a few startups in Austin, TX. I was dedicated to helping these companies succeed but ultimately due to lack of support and poor management they both failed. 


So, after two years of gaining knowledge, and honestly learning what not to do, I decided to start my own company. I was 34 years old, broke with only a cheap laptop and a low limit credit card.


Like most startups, my new company struggled for years. However, after 2 1/2 years of worrying about paying my bills and pushing through adversity, the company started to perform. 


My company’s revenue and tech attracted many investors to our company. However, I was not really interested in any investment until we were contacted by billionaire RED McCombs. At that time, RED owned the Minnesota Vikings and was a very influential media and business Icon. 


Red offered a small investment with support, contacts and most importantly, mentorship. 


As the CEO of RED McCombs Media, I worked with and was mentored by RED and his team for over 10 years. The company was a huge success and was acquired. 


Much like Red did for me, I’m going to give you the tools, knowledge, mentorship and contacts it takes to build a successful sustainable business. 


"If you are willing to trust the process,

stay patient, and persistent.

I will guarantee your success"

Why did we create the Guardian CEO?

“I realized that most entrepreneurs simply do not have the resources to get access to the necessary information and mentorship it takes to be successful. This type of detailed information and mentorship has traditionally been unaffordable for most. It was especially important to me that anybody could afford access to this program. That’s what the Guardian CEO is all about.

Jon Flatt


We created Guardian CEO to offer unprecedented value for entrepreneurs that may not be able to afford highly paid coaches and consultants



Regardless of your background, level of education and current financial situation, The Guardian CEO will be providing YOU with the information and trade secrets that we have seen work time and time again


Jessie Metzler

All Social Jessie

All Social Jessie was looking to scale their existing business. The Guardian CEO provided detail, focus, and contacts needed for All Social Jessie to experience explosive growth! 



"Jon really made things simple to understand. He helped me put my time energy & focus into daily tasks, hiring & delegation strategies that have proven to be absolute game changers for my business" 

Christa Gonzalez 

Juice 4 Life

Like a lot of young entrepreneurs Krista had a lot of anxiety about starting her business. Guardian program helped her get

in the right mindset to

become successful. 

Krista launched her business & the Guardian program was there every step of the way to guide her through

any & all challenges. 


"This program has been incredibly informative and it has led to my company increasing sales in a dramatic way!" 

Wedge Clothier

Sports & Fitness Trainer

Wedge had an idea to start a business, but he had no experience with what to do. He is now doing what he loves & his company is growing at a rapid pace.





"The Guardian CEO has been a gamechanger for me. The process of discovering how to build a real business around my idea has been amazing"


Dyler Rojas 

Online Trading Platform

Dyler was looking to create a better foundation & understanding of how to grow his online trading platform. The guardian CEO helped him create a specific path towards growth & revenue.


" The Guardian CEO really helped me focus on the planning & tasks that are truly important to reaching my goals.

Not only do you get Jon's wisdom, expertise, and contacts, you get a community of people that are willing to help."

Brian Chaplin

Medicine Box

Guardian CEO helped Brian & Medicine Box create a highly productive culture that led to a dramatic increase in sales & audience.   


"Medicine Box is in the very complex & emerging Industry of CBD products. Jon has been an amazing mentor & has guided Medicine Box through just about every situation you could imagine! 

Not only does he believe in my vision, he has supported it by providing very detailed information & contacts."

Ana Viana

Colombian Body Secrets

Guardian CEO helped Ana from dollar one to millions of dollars in revenue. She now owns & operates the largest health & beauty esthetician business in Dallas, Tx



"Guardian CEO taught me how to work smarter, I really had no idea how to build a company. This program has literally changed my life, and without the information & mentorship from Jon, I don't believe this would have been possible" 

The Guardian CEO Offers

  • Hands on mentorship

    that will address your specific business situations and will provide solutions. ZOOM calls and club house private sessions. 


    You will receive access to our


    marketing, technology, investor, and financial service contacts. These are the best of the best on the planet.


    You also get 9 detailed modules 


    that are frequently updated with new information. An extensive resource center that includes usable business documents and spread sheets templates.


    Even after graduation


    most will stay in the program for the ongoing mentorship, contacts, and module updates.


    To graduate you must


    complete all worksheets & attend at least 12 zoom calls


Guardian Modules & Program Details

Module 1 


Secrets of building a strong foundation for growth and success

  • The power of your WHY
  • INTRO to foundation
  • Company and personal vison
  • Company Culture 

  • Understanding your marketplace 

  • Your Competition 

  • Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats 

  • Let’s make a plan.

Module 2


Secrets to positioning yourself in the marketplace for explosive growth.

  • Intro to position yourself in the marketplace. 

  • Creating your elevator pitch 

  • Creating your client profiles 

  • Tips and tricks for finding clients.

Module 3


Secrets of Marketing and Advertising

  • Intro to marketing and advertising  

  • Websites 

  • Organic Social media 

  • The power of video 

  • Paid social media. 

  • Print Marketing 

  • Search Engine Optimization 

  • Pay per click Search  marketing 

  • Press releases and PR

  • Programmatic video and banner ads 

  • Understanding data tracking and optimization 

  • Reverse engineering your marketing to guarantee success.

Module 4


Secrets to Fundraising

  • Intro to Fundraising.  

  • Investor types 

  • Where to find investors 

  • How much to raise. 

  • For profits 

  • Investor presentation 

  • Investor and financial documents you need to close. 

  • Nonprofits

Module 5


Secrets to Financials

  • Taxes and documents 

  • How to pay yourself and your employees

  • Company financial documents 

  • Company forecasting and projections.

Module 6


Secrets to Culture continued 

  • Intro to culture  

  • How to identify negative culture 

  • Reinforcing culture 

  • How to stop negative culture

Module 7


Secrets to scaling your business

  • Intro to Scaling

  • Adjustments and flexibility 

  • Revision & optimizations 

  • Delegation 

  • When to scale 

  • New products to scale 

Module 8


Secrets to hiring 

  • Intro to Hiring. 

  • When to hire 

  • Interviewing 

  • Training and setting expectations. 

  • How and where to find great hires 

Module 9


Secrets to sales 

  • Intro to Sales 

  • Sales and Closing 

  • How to get leads 

  • Handling objections

  • Reverse engineering to guarantee success.

You Will Receive  Zoom & Clubhouse Sessions

Sign up for available dates

Join as many zoom call as you desire

Submit questions before meeting or just ask in the meeting

Sessions are in very small groups

Request/book time for one-on-one quick calls for any sensitive issues

You Will Also  Receive

Access to our Contacts

Submit a little info about what you need, and we will give you access to the appropriate contacts


Resource center

After you are signed up, you will have immediate access and can download business docs, spreadsheets, graphs, templates much more

How To Use  The Program

For Entrepreneurs In Business 2+ Years

Bounce around to areas of need but be sure to complete module 1 to make sure your business has the proper foundation for growth


For Entrepreneurs In Business

less than 2 Years

Go through each module in order 1- 9


For Business Coaches and Consultants


Go through each module in order. 1 - 9 If you have experience in a specific module you will get through it quickly


I will take anywhere from 3 to 12 month to graduate the program depending on your level of experience.  Most will stay in the program after graduation to take advantage of zoom calls, updated materials & contacts. 

The Guardian Promise & Guarantee

If you complete the modules and participate in at least 15 zoom calls and you do not find value in the program, we will refund your tuition fee.  Feel free to cancel at any time. 


To be clear; This is not a get rich quick scheme. 


We are looking for serious individuals who genuinely want to be successful. I’m bringing you into my circle of influence, contacts while offering unprecedented value.  


If you serious about growing your business and becoming financially free, I will be your Guardian CEO, and I will be there for every step of the way through your trails, tribulations, and successes. 

NEXT 50 sign ups get:

  • Only $49.99 per month after tuition fee

  • Be automatically entered into the Guardian CEO Power 300 contest with 50k in cash and services

Carpe Diem "Seize the day"


Trust the process and together we will make it happen! The Guardian CEO is the lowest risk highest reward business program ever created

About Us

The Guardian CEO is a high value, low cost business training program that is designed for any entrepreneur to grow their business through belief, focus, and trade secrets 


© Copyrights by Guardian CEO . All Rights Reserved.